David Usevitch is currently a postdoctoral research fellow of surgical robotics in the BIGSS Lab and Orthopedic Surgery Department at Johns Hopkins University. His research interests include surgical robotic systems, haptics and telerobotics, clinical translational systems, and robot design. He works along Dr. Mehran Armand and Dr. Russ Taylor’s team developing robots for orthopedic surgery.
His current projects include the development of tools and robotic systems to assist in laminectomy and TLIF surgery (spine surgery), and the development of microsurgical manipulators for a variety of ENT and Opthalmologic surgeries. David also has extensive experience in the startup space, having working for a number of small startups, and recently winning 2nd in a JHU medical device pitch competition, raising over $15k.
He is currently open to and exploring new career opportunities in industry positions in a variety of robotics applications. Please reach out if you are looking to hire.
Download my resumé.
Research Fellow in Surgical Robotics, 2022
Johns Hopkins University, Laboratory for Computational Sensing
PhD in Mechanical Engineering, 2021
University of Utah, Robotics Center, Telerobotics Lab
MEng in Mechanical Engineering, 2018
University of Utah, Robotics Center, Telerobotics Lab
BSc in Mechanical Engineering, 2016
Brigham Young University